Uniform Information


Please see below for our link to SCHOOLBOX UNIFORMS by French Toast! There are clear instructions by grade level for ease of ordering.

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PK3 - 5th Grade Uniforms

Monday through Wednesday will be red or white SJCA embroidered logo polo shirts with navy bottoms. Pant slacks, long shorts or skirts/skorts are allowed. Remember ONLY solid black running shoes are the allowable shoes. Thursday will be Mass uniform and Mass shoes. Boys-Navy pants, light blue oxford shirt, navy vest with the SJCA embroidered logo and plaid tie. Girls-plaid jumper with light blue oxford shirt with SJCA embroidered logo, navy criscross tie. Friday will remain Faith Friday! This is the only day denim jeans with no holes are allowed with any faith based t-shirt. The front office still has some of St. Joseph Catholic School Spirit shirts available for purchase!

Elementary Girl M-WElementary Girl M-WElementary Girl Thur

Elementary Boy M-WElementary Boy Thurs


6th - 8th Grade Uniforms

Students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade will have school uniforms befitting a middle school. Monday through Wednesday is light blue oxford button shirt, appropriate school tie-plaid ties for men and blue cross ties for young ladies, khaki slacks for men, and khaki skirts or skorts for young ladies, school blazers with SJCA embroidered logo for both men and ladies. Thursday is Mass uniform of light blue oxford button shirt, khaki slacks for young men and plaid school skirt (no jumpers) for young ladies, school blazers with SJCA embroidered school logo for both men and ladies and Mass shoes. Friday will remain Faith Friday. This is the only day denim jeans, with no holes, are allowed with any faith based t-shirt. The front office still has some of St. Joseph Catholic School shirts available for purchase!

Middle School Girl Thur  Middle School Boy M-Th




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