


Please click here to submit an application and VERIFY YOU ARE SUBMITTING TO THE CORRECT SCHOOL YEAR. 

You will be asked to create an account. Once the account is created, you must login and submit an application packet. 


Returning families adding a student: Log in to your existing Family Portal account, click on Apply/Enroll, Application, Open Application, and then click on the red button labeled, "Create a New Student Application."


Financial Aid:

Deadline to apply for financial aid is May 1st.

To apply for financial aid, you must be accepted to St. Joseph Catholic Academy, have a completed enrollment packet and all balances from prior year must be paid. To apply for financial aid, please log into your FACTS account and submit a completed application. Note that tuition assistance grants are valid for one school year only. To be considered for assistance in future school years, you must reapply annually. Going forward, we will require families to apply for other scholarship opportunities before seeking financial aid assistance from St. Joseph Catholic Academy. 

During the enrollment process, you will have instructions on how to apply for financial aid in FACTS Tuition.

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